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T1D and Me - Youth Voice

T1D and ME – Giving Youth a Voice Group, is dedicated to amplifying the voices of young individuals aged 12-18 living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).


It's an environment where ideas flow freely, allowing young people to express their thoughts and ensuring their inclusion in education, sports, and the community.


We want to collect the  opinions of our young people, who live with T1D, to assist our charity with future development and event planning.


As a charity we are keen to:


  1. Develop a roadshow to raise awareness of T1D and support young people living with the condition across Scotland

  2. Develop a series of educational workshops, presentations, and speakers in collaboration with Lochlan’s Legacy

  3. Establish 'working groups' to develop particular areas of focus highlighted by our youth voice

  4. Build a robust youth community of people living with T1D that can support each other


We’ve developed a short, simple, and accessible survey for you to complete.


All responses are completely anonymous and confidential.


There are some confidential and personal questions, which some people may feel uncomfortable answering and they’re able to skip these if you want or why not ask a parent or carer to help you complete them.


The information we need, to help you, focuses on:


  • Home and school life

  • Emotional health and wellbeing

  • Physical activity

  • Diet

  • Relationships

  • Technology


Once you submit your survey answers, our team will collate the data to shape our programme of activity that inspires, empowers and educates young people living with T1D and ensuring they receive the inclusion and support that they require.


How To Get Involved


  1. Complete our short survey so we get a better understanding of the needs of young people with living T1D – link to survey

    1. When completing the survey make sure you opt in to be sent our second survey which will ask for a little more detail

  2. Encourage as many of your friends to get involved too. Why not ask your teacher if they could promote it to your class or the whole school?

  3. Complete our second survey that will be emailed to you and share your views

  4. Get involved in the workshops, forums and roadshows that take place as a result of your feedback and together we will raise awareness and increase the support to young people living with T1D





Join our T1D and ME

Giving Youth a Voice Group Steering Group



Lochlan’s Legacy is a supporter of the #iwillmovement and Power of Youth Charter.

If you’re interested in leading positive change, collaborating with other like-minded individuals, empowering more young people to make a difference and want opportunities to shape your future, we want you to join our steering group.

You don’t need to have to have T1D – just a passion for change, an interest in youth voice and social action to make a difference.


By getting involved in our steering group you will be able to contribute to:


  • Sharing your lived experience to help others

  • Sharing insight from siblings/ friends/ relatives/ partners

  • Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data findings

  • Developing content for Lochlan’s Legacy social media/ website and news/ events

  • Developing new survey questions

  • Developing roadshow ideas

  • How best to connect with others living with T1D

  • Becoming a driving force of project

  • Becoming the face of T1D and ME as the programme grows nationally

T1D and Me – Youth Voice From

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

Lochlan's Legacy-SCIO  

Established October 2020

Registered Scottish Charity No. SC050543

Head Office, Mossback Farm, Cairn Road,

Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland KA18 1SL 

Find us on socials

  • Instagram
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Phone: 00 44 (0) 776 955 0024 |


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