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CPD Accredited Course

Obtain Your Certificate in Basic Awareness and Understanding of Type 1 Diabetes


Lochlan’s Legacy has developed a Raising Awareness and Understanding of Type 1 Diabetes for Sports Coaches-CPD Accredited Course, consisting of videographic presentation, workshop and e-Learning. All three parts must be completed to achieve accreditation.


This course is free to coaches, all we need is your commitment to learn


  • Watch 3 short videographic clips on Type 1 Diabetes [T1D]

  • Attend workshop hosted by Lochlan’s Legacy.  These will run as in-person sessions. (webinar can be made available if required). This will be an interactive session that will allow for discussion and consolidating knowledge from videographic presentations

  • E-Learning will be completed at the end of workshop or in coach/ referees own time

  • Question will be asked if coach has athlete with T1D within squad. If not, course completed. If yes, a further section will be completed

  • Once e-Learning completed certificate will be issued


If a club or team has an athlete with T1D, Lochlan’s Legacy will coordinate a meeting with coaches, player and parents/ carers. 


At meeting, a player profile booklet will be completed. This will allow all in attendance to have a voice, highlight further training needs and continuous support offered. Additional sessions can be offered to peers and parents if required.


If you are interested in taking part of our course enter your details below.

CPD Accredited Course Form

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